Obtaining Reader Logs from Impinj Speedway Readers


This article will explain how to use PuTTY to interface with an Impinj Speedway R420 reader and obtain the reader's configuration files and logs. These files are very helpful when troubleshooting the readers or seeking additional support.


Latest version of PuTTY

Connecting to the R420 using PuTTY

The first step required to obtain these files is connecting to the reader via PuTTY's SSH terminal. Instructions for doing this can be found in the article linked below:

How To Use PuTTY With an R420 Reader

Before initiating the connection, there are a couple of additional steps that need to be taken in order to initiate a logging session inside of PuTTY. This logging session will take the information that will be printed onto the PuTTY terminal and will store it into a log file, which can be accessed outside of PuTTY.

To initiate the PuTTY logging session, find the "Session" option in the left-hand menu and select the "Logging" option underneath it. In the resulting screen, select the option for "All session output" and select the Browse button to choose the file directory in which to save the log files.

Once this is done, select the "Session" option in the Category menu and select the Open button. Login to the reader using the credentials below:

Username: root

Password: impinj

NOTE: the password will not appear as you type it (this is a security feature). Once the password is typed in, press Enter.

Obtaining the Reader Logs

Once a logging session has been enabled in PuTTY and the terminal session has been opened, open the ItemTest software or a custom software and begin operation of the reader if possible. Do not close PuTTY, but allow it to run in the background.

Once the reader is operational and trying to read tags, there are specific commands that you will need to enter in PuTTY to log the correct information from your reader. These commands are listed below along with a brief explanation of what each one accomplishes. After entering each command, data will print to the PuTTY terminal screen and will be copied into the log file.

show system platform - Displays generic platform statistics for the reader

show image summary - Displays the reader's image information

show rfid llrp inbound - Displays information about LLRP client-initiated connections

show rfid llrp config - Displays the XML text of the LLRP connection

show rfid llrp rospec 0 - Displays the XML text of a specified ROSpec

show rfid lrrp summary - Displays a summary of the LLRP configuration and status

show network summary - Displays a summary of the reader's network settings

show logging summary - Displays the current user logging configuration

show logging events err 1000, show logging events app 1000- These commands determine how many internal log entries to display

exit - Exits RShell and terminates the terminal session

Once all commands have been entered and the session has been exited, navigate to the directory in which the log file was saved and locate the new log file. This file will show each command and its resulting data. This file can now be sent to our support team or to the Impinj support team for further troubleshooting steps and assistance.

If you have any questions about retrieving Impinj reader log files, please feel free to contact us at support@atlasRFIDstore.com.